AmPhil Insights and Practicalities

Case Study: How a Grassroots Nonprofit Righted Their Ship

Written by Erin Milligan | Jul 29, 2024 2:43:14 PM

Rebuilding a nonprofit’s fundraising department and organizational structure can be likened to restoring a neglected bridge. When communication failures and outdated strategies are disregarded, the organization becomes disorganized and struggles to connect effectively with its donors. This impacts donors greatly, as consistency and unified messaging across a nonprofit are required to build donor roll. Learn how AmPil experts helped a particular nonprofit transform fundraising and empower it to fuel its mission.

The challenges described above were the same problems facing this nonprofit, which we will call the Grassroots Network. This particular case study highlights the journey of the Grassroots Network, whose mission is to engage students in activism, issue advocacy, public policy education, and grassroots organization. 

Recognizing the importance of rebuilding and strengthening its structure, Grassroots Network strategized with AmPhil to reinforce its foundation with clear goals and well-organized processes, replacing worn-out methods with new approaches. 

The Challenge

Despite experiencing remarkable growth, the Grassroots Network faced significant fundraising hurdles. These challenges, which we will delve into, were characterized by:

  • Lack of Organizational Structure: The organization operated with loosely defined roles and responsibilities, leading to carelessness and missed opportunities.
  • Ineffective Donor Outreach: Donor engagement efforts were impromptu and lacked a practical approach, resulting in unsuccessful connections and minimal financial support.
  • Consistency in Messaging:  Messaging across the board was not unified (lacking a consistent tone and voice) and confused donors, which affected the Grassroots Network's credibility.

The Solution

Realizing the need for professional assistance, Grassroots Network partnered with AmPhil to help them establish a strategic development plan and restructure their organization. Together, AmPhil and the Grassroots Network initiated changes aimed at addressing skeletal weaknesses and enhancing donor engagement through direct mail:

Strategic Planning:

AmPhil consultants conducted a thorough assessment of the organization's current state and developed a strategic plan tailored to its mission and goals. This plan included clarifying roles, defining goals, and outlining a blueprint for organizational growth.

Donor Outreach Strategy:

A key focus of the intervention was to renovate the Grassroots Network's donor outreach efforts. This makeover involved segmenting the donor base, crafting personalized communication strategies, and leveraging technology to improve donor engagement and stewardship.


The outcomes of this personalized engagement strategy were nothing short of remarkable. They prove that a nonprofit can thrive when given the proper tools and guidance. After strategizing and consulting with AmPhil, Grassroots Network saw a:

  • 10x Increase in Donors: By implementing specific outreach strategies and building donor relationships, Grassroots Network saw a tenfold increase in donors contributing to their mission.
  • 3,500% ROI: The return on investment from AmPhil's services was astounding, demonstrating the value of strategic planning and proven expertise in nonprofit consulting.
  • Donations Growth is Inevitable: With enhanced donor messaging and a more precise strategic direction, Grassroots Network experienced a 400% growth in donations. This resulted in an incredible boost in revenue, enabling this organization to expand its programs and reach more students across the country.


This case study underscores several important lessons for nonprofits when they are not sure of the next steps to take when they know they need to make updates to their current strategy:

  • Invest in Strategic Planning: A well-defined  strategic plan is essential for guiding organizational growth. Guided by trusted experts who work side-by-side in the trenches through the process and actually follow through versus the oh-so-common handing off of a strategic plan template with a wish of the best of luck 
  • Prioritize Donor Relationships and Messaging: Building strong, meaningful relationships with supporters can substantially increase their financial support. Consistency in messaging across the organization centered on direct mail campaigns is vital to success.
  • Seek Professional and Proven Expertise: Partnering with experts in nonprofit management and fundraising can provide invaluable insights and accelerate nonprofit growth. With the potential to pay for itself in a short period while the organization has built a new foundation of growth that will last for years, investing with a partner can reap rewards for years to come.

Moving forward, Grassroots Network continues to build upon its successes, leveraging the lessons learned to sustain momentum and drive further impact. By focusing on strategic planning, effective donor engagement, messaging, and organizational excellence, they are not only poised to continue making a difference in the lives of the students and the communities they serve nationwide but also to establish a solid foundation for long-term growth and impact.