Are you a brand-new major gifts officer? You were probably hired for your strong qualifications as a fundraiser, hefty experience in development, and ability to influence and convince others of the importance of the mission you now represent. You’re probably a motivated individual who is yearning to demonstrate your expertise to your new team and to show that hiring you was worth the investment.
That’s the most important start—experience, ambition, and drive. But on top of that, here are four ways to use your novelty to your organization’s advantage before you head into your first meeting with a donor:
MGO Tip 1: Mention that you are the nonprofit's most recent hire.
While seemingly counterintuitive, now is not the time to play up any expertise you may have in the development world. When you start making calls to major gifts donors and prospects, don’t dive right into your rehearsed pitch for your new nonprofit. Instead, when they ask you what made you take the job, you can candidly share your excitement about all of the great work your organization is doing, making them feel as if they are coming right alongside you in the mission.
MGO Tip 2: Use your inexperience as an opportunity to cultivate.
Here’s one way: ask for a meeting with a current donor to help you practice your pitch prior to your first meeting with a prospective benefactor. Your current donor will appreciate being asked for advice critical to the organization’s fundraising efforts, and she/he will feel like a part of the team in an advisory role—not just someone who writes checks.
MGO Tip 3: Share that you are new to your organization.
When meeting with a potential donor, solicit their feedback on your performance throughout the meeting. This vulnerability accomplishes two things: it dismantles the transactional feeling of the monetary ask you are gearing up for, and it allows your donor to feel engaged on a deeper level with the organization.
MGO Tip 4: Most importantly, be “new” as long as possible.
Even if you have worked in development for years, find an aspect of your employment that accentuates your “newness.” Starting at a new organization, getting a new promotion, or even being young will afford you the ability to take advantage of the time you are the fresh face of your organization.
MGO Bonus Tip: Be Willing to Learn as a Major Gifts Fundraiser.
For new development personnel, there is a natural tendency to want to prove oneself as a fundraising expert as soon as possible. But the authenticity and vulnerability recommended here will probably make you more successful than “playing the expert” on major gifts fundraising too soon. Demonstrating your willingness to learn exhibits a type of maturity different from that of being a seasoned expert: it conveys humbleness, and everyone, especially donors, likes to be around someone who they can take under their wing and share their wisdom with.