The leaves are falling, every drink comes in a pumpkin-spice version, and the MLB playoffs are in full swing. As the season changes, so does AmPhil. We’re coming up on our fifteenth birthday and, as that landmark approaches, we are excited to announce that Chris Kuetemeyer, currently AmPhil’s Chief Consulting Officer, will on January 1, 2024, take the reins as our next CEO. Jeremy Beer will continue to serve AmPhil on a full-time basis in the role of Executive Chairman.
With Jeff Cain, Jeremy co-founded AmPhil in 2009 with a vision of creating a company that would support those voluntary associations which enrich human existence: churches, schools, and nonprofit organizations of every kind. Jeff and Jeremy could see there was a pressing need for a new kind of firm that would help such mission-driven organizations flourish.
They were more right than they could ever have imagined. Since its founding, AmPhil has grown steadily—and at times explosively. Today, we employ more than 100 full-time employees and serve more than 400 clients per year, collectively helping those clients annually raise and/or give away more than $2 billion.
Not only do we believe this is just the beginning, but we also believe that Chris Kuetemeyer is the right leader to guide AmPhil as it grows its ability to strengthen civil society.
Chris is one of the best leaders I have ever encountered. For several years, he has led our firm’s largest division, always with both our clients’ success and our colleagues’ growth at the top of his agenda. Before coming to AmPhil, he helped build the Fellowship of Catholic University Students into one of our country’s most impactful faith-based organizations. And before that, he led military elements during combat in Iraq. In short, Chris is more than ready to lead AmPhil as our CEO! Our partners and executive management team are unanimously and enthusiastically behind him. We are certain that he will continue to help us become even stronger at serving our clients and acting as their trusted advisors.”
—Jeremy Beer
Chris brings to his new role over twenty-two years of experience in helping nonprofits elevate their fundraising. During his tenure at FOCUS, he spearheaded the transformation of a small development team raising $1 million annually into a fundraising powerhouse with over thirty full-time staff and annual philanthropic revenue exceeding $25 million. Chris was also responsible for training FOCUS's staff in mission-based fundraising, with a focus on developing close partnerships with philanthropists across the nation.
Prior to joining FOCUS, Chris's leadership skills were forged in the service of our country. He was commissioned as an officer in the Army National Guard and was deployed to Iraq, where he earned the Combat Action Badge and the Bronze Star Award Medal.
As a partner and Chief Consulting Officer at AmPhil, Chris has led our core consulting division which helps our clients plan and execute proven strategies and methods to grow capacity. Most recently, Chris led innovations in the fundraising space with the launching of AmPhil's Major Gifts Accelerator and Mission Campaigns services, both of which enable AmPhil to better provide premium support for nonprofits and other mission-driven organizations.
I want to express how grateful I am for this opportunity. I am humbled and honored to be invited to this role and I truly value the trust AmPhil and Jeremy have placed in me. AmPhil has come a long way from the time Jeremy and Jeff got a crazy idea to provide strategy and services to nonprofits that were actually useful. This impact is largely due to Jeremy’s leadership and vision for the company. I’m excited that he’ll continue to be here at AmPhil in a different role and that we’ll get to keep working together.
I have some pretty big shoes to fill, but I’m looking forward to the challenge. I’m passionate for the future as we continue to provide exceptional value to our clients and partner with them to achieve their missions and strengthen civil society.”
—Chris Kuetemeyer
AmPhil’s CEO may be changing, but our commitment to strengthening civil society by serving mission-driven organizations is not. Under Chris’s day-to-day leadership, we will strive to become even stronger at serving our clients and acting as their trusted advisors.