Capital Campaigns

Mission vs Capital Campaign: Which is Best for Your Nonprofit?

Group of people meeting to decide if a capital or mission campaign is best for their nonprofit

If you intend to start a capital campaign for your organization, chances are that you've also come across the term "mission campaign." Understanding the difference between the two and how each can uniquely benefit your nonprofit will help you make an informed decision on which is best for your nonprofit's current goals.

Mission Campaigns

First, let's break down mission campaigns. Mission campaigns expand your average campaign’s fundraising scope. More than capital investments and specific projects, mission campaigns are designed to advance your organization’s overall vision and purpose. These campaigns allow for broader, mission-driven growth, helping your nonprofit create a deeper and more lasting impact in the communities or causes you serve.

Mission campaigns help your organization to thrive by:

  • Developing new programs.
  • Increasing event capacity.
  • Standing out to donors through a unique proposition.
  • Attracting new, talented staff and supporters to your mission.
  • Expanding to new locations.

Capital Campaigns

On the other hand, capital campaigns are more focused on the tangible. These campaigns usually fund particular projects that help your nonprofit to "physically" grow. Such items would include:

  • Purchasing new buildings or expanding current facilities.
  • Acquiring much-needed equipment to improve operations.
  • Funding large initiatives, such as new construction or major renovations.

While capital campaigns seem fairly straightforward, they still require an intense amount of backend work and strategy to raise the funds that your nonprofit needs. Another consideration when beginning a capital campaign is that you need to make clear to campaign donors exactly how their donations impact your nonprofit in fulfilling its long-term mission.

Feasibility Studies

Any campaign, whether it's a mission or capital campaign, requires a lot of up-front, grunt work. In fact, a successful mission campaign begins long before you approach that first donor.

Whether you decide that a capital campaign is just what your nonprofit needs or a mission campaign would best serve your purposes, you might consider bringing on extra help to maximize your time and resources. 

At AmPhil, our consultants specialize in helping nonprofits prepare for successful campaigns. We enable you to:

  • Assess your campaign goals, your ability to reach them, and your ideal timeline.
  • Refine your support case, identifying messaging that will resonate with donors.
  • Cultivate donors, evaluating their reaction to your case statement, how much they are likely to give, and who is most likely to donate.

Campaign Management

Both capital and mission campaigns are ambitious projects, demanding significant time and tenacity from your staff. Your nonprofit is undoubtedly relying on amazing results from your campaign to support future endeavors. It makes sense, then, to bring in a consultant to help get a campaign right. Most organizations don't have the capacity or staff expertise to execute a successful mission campaign without some major headaches, so it's wise to have a trusted advisor in the trenches with you.

Luckily, AmPhil has the guidance and expertise you need! Below are just a few highlights of what our experts bring to the table:

  • Experience with hundreds of nonprofits and access to proprietary data.
  • Reinforcement to manage your campaign while your own staff can focus on other needs, strengthening both the campaign and other fundraising.
  • Execute the campaign strategy and management of the timeline.

Mission campaigns are a new area of development, and AmPhil is at the forefront of executing them successfully! Connect with us here to chat with our consultants today.


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