Why Your Nonprofit Should Use Direct Mail Nonprofits and mission-driven organizations need to expand their donor file, but direct mail is...
Two Ways to Catch Your Donor's Eye Life, friends, is boring . . . the sky flashes, the great sea yearns, we ourselves flash and yearn.
Memento Mori: 4 Steps to Launch Your Planned Giving Program Professional fundraisers often shy away from building a planned giving program for one simple...
6 Essential Elements of a Successful Grant Proposal Writing a grant proposal for a foundation or a major donor can take hours, even days. To make sure...
4 Easy Ways to Establish Better Relationships With Your Donors By establishing personal relationships with your donors, you establish a solid foundation for a...
Seeking a Foundation Grant? 5 Key Things to Look For in IRS Form 990 Nonprofit development directors know there’s nothing quite like the thrill of sitting back in your...
An Insider's Guide to Fundraising When Times are Bad In today's turbulent economic climate, fundraising can seem like a tough row to hoe—but don't put...
The 4 Cardinal Virtues of a Successful Major Gifts Officer I’m always amused when a young major-gifts officer candidate has the impression that the job is...
You Landed the White Whale. Now What? You’ve been hounding this donor for years. You’ve tried every trick in the book: meeting request...
5 Essential Features of a Successful Nonprofit Fundraising Database It’s human nature to look for the most effective solution for the least amount of work. Just ask my...